Echter’s Garden Center 20th Anniversary Show and Sale
Thursday, October 31 - deliver art pieces, set up show, set up
item tables
Friday, November 1 - judging, finish setting up and soft opening
Saturday, November 2 - opening day, ceremonies starting at 1:00PM
Sunday, November 10 - closing day, pack up table items and help
up show.
Echter’s there will be two parts; an art part, in the middle of the room
with judging and ribbons. Then tables set around the perimeter of the
room for selling gift items and smaller, less expensive items.
The art part is not juried in, but it is judged. The gift items are
neither juried in or judged, but they will be monitored. There will be
an award for best display.
So, please make sure your pieces, or any pieces for any shows, are clean,
well soldered/fused/blown/ or put together well. I will, however, take
down poorly put together pieces and pack them away.
Remember, our name is on those pieces and if they are poorly done, we
lose our reputation as a club. We have an excellent ranking now, and I
would hate to lose that. If you have a question about your pieces, I
would be happy to critique them for you. This also pertains to pieces
being put out on your tables for gift items. I will walk around and
check them often to make sure all pieces are of high quality. Just an
FYI. This also pertains to the Curtis Arts Center show, even more so.